Mary Miso - Recipes for every day - Cookbooks

08. August 2012

Chicken with roasted mashed potatoes and salsa

Chicken with roasted mashed potatoes and salsa
Recipe serves 4
Preparation time: 01h 00min

3 tomatoes, cut in half, cored, diced
3 tablespoons capers
1 red onion, chopped
1 bunch of Italian parsley, chopped
1 lemon, zest
1 tablespoon lemon juice
4 tablespoons olive oil
Salt and pepper
Mashed potatoes:
1 kg potatoes, floury
4 tablespoons olive oil
1 tablespoon lemon juice
4 tablespoons milk
Salt and pepper
4 organic chicken breasts

Salsa: Mix all ingredients together.

Roasted mashed potatoes:
Cook the whole potatoes with skin in salted water until soft. Let them cool off for 15 minutes, peel them and cut into pieces, roast the potatoes golden brown in olive oil. Crush the potatoes with a fork, add olive oil, lemon juice and milk. Season with salt and pepper. Keep warm.

Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper, sear them at middle heat in olive oil on each side for 6 minutes. Serve with the mashed potatoes and the salsa.