Mary Miso - Recipes for every day - Cookbooks

20. July 2019

Crispy tomato mozzarella sandwich

Crispy tomato mozzarella sandwich
Recipe serves 4
Preparation time: 45min

8 slices of old bread

2 tomatoes
1 mozzarella ball

½ buch of basil, plucked

salt and pepper

200ml milk
5 table spoons olive oil
6 table spoons flour
salt and pepper
3 eggs

Cut tomatoes and mozzarella into thin slices.

Add milk on a plate and turn half of the bread slices in it. Top bread slices with tomato, mozzarella and basil. Season with salt and pepper.

Soak other half of the bread slides in the milk and cover the sandwiches.

Mix flour, salt and pepper in a plate. In another plate squirl the eggs. In a frying pan heat up olive oil.

Turn sandwiches on both sides in the flour, pull them through the egg and brown in the hot oil until golden.

Drain on some kitchen paper.