Mary Miso - Recipes for every day - Cookbooks

13. December 2018

Grappa Truffles

Grappa Truffles
Recipe serves 4
Preparation time: 01h 00min

200g chocolate (50% cocoa)
50ml full cream
20g butter, cut into cubes
20g Grappa from the oak barrel
100g milk chocolate
25g cocoa powder

For 40 Grappa truffles.

Chop chocolate and melt pieces in a water bath.

Heat up full cream and pour constantly strring over the melted chocolate. Add butter cubes and mix well. Add Grappa and mix well. Put in the fridge for 4 hours or over night to set.

By hand form truffels. Let set in the fridge.

Chop milk chocolate and melt pieces in a water bath. Glaze truffels and coat with cocoa powder.